what is system8?
system8 is a website project of mine to take the reins and ease me back into website making by healing my inner child and getting a space for myself made in a similar aesthetic to sites of back when I really wanted to make a website, but didn't have the resources to and was also too scared to, but not extremely pompous like I want to make my main site, which will probably have a buttload of JS
it's called system8 as a reference to how Mac OS releases before Mac OS 8 were called System Software. System Software 8 does not exist. I have never used a Mac in my life, but I have a soft spot for its older UI, and I wasn't going to call this sub-site something like "2k" or "retro" (but I did put a poll to gauge interest in names!)
not only that, I want to try and have this be more personal and yesterweb-like than my main site which will have my main branding scheming, so I'll make this a static site (now running on Eleventy), have a blog, and other weird little things I like
it does beg the question, though, what will happen to my main site if I'm gonna be using this like that? well, i will still make my site with all the bells and whistles and will even interop it with this site's functionality. for example, there'll be an artwork gallery shared between both sites, and to make it easy on myself to update it I will be using a JSON API (with SSG I won't ever have to worry about manually updating, only manually rebuilding)
ironically, this site has more info than my main site right now :P
so then if that's what's gonna happen to my main site, why in the world make this one? well, the answer is simple:
i can create whatever i want for whatever reason and so can you.
this is a project for me to make web development fun and easy again while workking on my own stuff and having a personal feeling website that doesn't need that many whistles...
...and I encourage you to do the same. I did say I was going to use SvelteKit in the future, but the original version of the website you're looking at right now? made entirely by hand in VSCode. hell, it doesn't even have to be VSCode, it could even be Notepad++, just do something! take your own space in the web and do not be beholden to the whims of centralized social media sites that want to exploit your attention for money and could go under at ANY MOMENT WE ALL KNOW WHAT HAPPNED TO TWITTER HAVE YOUR OWN SPACE AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
right. with that out of the way, you might notice that the navi section of the sidebar is completely empty. so then, in an extremely glitchypsi-like fashion: